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The Ten leading industries in America 美国十大支柱产业

RonWang9年前 (2015-07-25)科技前沿661

As the world's largest national economy, the United States boasts numerous booming industries, a powerful consumer market, and a competitive and innovative business atmosphere.

The country's economic driving force is found in its fifty diverse, but united states. Each states have particular industries as its flagship. Thus,it is worthy to note who are on top of their game.

Here, we are listing the top states in each of the 10 leading industries in America. The listing of the top states per industry category is based on EMSI's 2013 research study  on the job growth of the different fields in the largest regions of United States.


Among the fifty states, California emerges in the study as the leader in most industry subsectors, that includes Motion Picture and Videos, Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting, and Real Estate. The state also has the highest number of firms with 701,899, establishments with 864,913, and employment with 12,952,818, among all the other states.

Meanwhile, the state of Pennsylvania leads the industry of Individual and Family Health Services, Legal Services, and Securities and Commodity Contracts. On the other hand, Wisconsin tops in General and Medical Hospitals and Insurance Carriers, and ranks next to California.

In terms of employment rate, New Jersey has the highest rate in the Advertising and Public Relations Industry among the states. Meanwhile, Texas has the most employees in Oil and Gas Extraction.


Health Industry

Health industry is the biggest industry with the highest employment rate in most of the states. The combined states of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin reported the biggest share of jobs for General Medical and Surgical Hospitals, with 166,566 jobs in 2013. Workers in Individual and Family Services are highest in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, comprising 51,362 jobs in the area.

Florida has the highest number of offices of physicians, while California boasts the most jobs involved in outpatient care. For Specialty Hospitals, Tennessee employs the most people, with 19,766 jobs.

This industry also includes subsectors such as Office of Other Health Practitioners, Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories, other Ambulatory Health Care Services, Psych and Substance Abuse Hospitals, Nursing Care Facilities, Residential Mental Retardation, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities, Community Care Facilities for the Elderly, other Residential Care Facilities, and Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

In the next paragraph, Texas is highlighted in the construction industry. The most populous city of Texas – Houston, energy industry such as oil is the main source of its booming economy. However, health care, education, and other related fields such as RN to BSN Houston program form a large scale too.



Texas scored the most number of jobs in this industry’s subsector of Utility System Construction. It generated 34, 466 jobs in 2013. Maryland’s Building Equipment Contractors industry has almost as many jobs with 30,035 in the same year. Arizona made 18,578 jobs involving Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, while Louisiana’s Nonresidential Building Construction made 7,468 jobs.

Other subsectors in the industry are Residential Building Construction, Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction, Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction, Building Finishing Contractors, and Other Specialty Trade Contractors.



California is the leading employer in the Information industry’s Motion Picture and Video subsector, which reached 138,417 jobs in 2013. The industry is also dominated by the Software Publishers, which composed 51,959 jobs in Washington, the highest among all the states in this subsector. Internet Publishing and other Information Services in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, garnered 33,150 jobs. The Wired Telecommunications Carriers in Georgia produced 24,934 jobs, while also leading the states in wireless communications employment with 10,620 jobs.

Sound Recording, Radio and Television Broadcasting, Cable and Other Subscription Programming, and Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services are other subsectors that comprise the industry.



In the energy industry, Texas is the country’s leader in employment in the Oil and Gas Extraction, with 57,050 jobs in 2013. California is the biggest employer in the Natural Gas Distribution sector with 9,041 jobs. Alabama, meanwhile leads in Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution sector with 6,478 jobs as well as in Coal Mining with 2,565 jobs recorded.


Professional Services

The Professional Services industry has a wide range of sectors that has created jobs all around the country. However, California has the highest employment in this industry, with 172,501 jobs for Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting and 89, 169 jobs for Scientific Research and Development. In addition, Accounting, Tex Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services contribute to 78,552 jobs in the state.

On the other hand, the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia, combine to record the highest number of employees in Computer Systems Design subsector with 167,725. New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania also join together for the highest number of jobs in Legal Services, with 149,612 jobs.

The industry is also comprised of other subsectors such as Architectural, Engineering, Advertising, Public Relations, and other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services.



The Government is another leading driving force in America’s economy. Federal Government and Civilian employment is highest in the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia, with a total of 402,097 jobs reported in 2013. California is the top employer in Federal Government and Military subsector with 112,514 jobs, as well as in State Government with 96,884 jobs.

The rest of the subsectors in this industry are Local Government Education and Hospitals (Local Government), wherein Texas ranked first in the number of jobs (66,363) and the State Government Education and Hospitals, wherein Washington is the biggest employer with 59,622 jobs.


Finance and Insurance Industry

This industry is biggest in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, where 132,673 jobs can be found in the subsector of Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation. These states also have the highest employment in Financial Investments with 83,449 jobs in total.

When it comes to Nondepository Credit Intermediation, Texas takes the cake with 47,559 jobs, the highest in the country. Minnesota and Wisconsin lead the Insurance Carriers subsector with 39,534 jobs made.

The industry also covers the subsectors such as Monetary Authorities-Central Bank, Depository Credit Intermediation, Acitivities related to Credit Intermediation, Securities and Commodity Exchanges, Agencies, Brokerages, Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds, and other Investment Pools and Funds.


Educational Services

The leading states in the Educational Services industry in terms of employment Colleges, Universities, and Professionals schools are New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania with 171, 367 jobs in 2013. Elementary and Secondary Schools (Private) employment, on the other hand, is led by the state of Louisiana with 11,130 jobs. Educational Support Services employment is highest in California with 2,252 jobs under the subsector.


Metal, Machinery, Computer, and Electrical Manufacturing

Metal, machinery, computer, and electrical manufacturing mostly dominate the manufacturing industry. There are numerous subsectors under this industry but among the biggest ones is the Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing in Washington which posted 95,107 jobs in 2013. Michigan’s Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing is also taking a lead in this industry with 92,003 jobs.

California’s Computer and Peripheral Equipment and Semiconductor and Electronic Manufacturing are dominating these subsectors with a total of 83,781 jobs created. Texas has the highest employment in Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacture with 42,950 jobs.

This industry also includes subsectors such as Ship and Boat Building, Metalworking Machinery, and Iron and Steel Mills, among others.


Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

The real estate industry is flourishing in several states especially in California, where Real Estate employment reach 55,043 jobs in 2013. Lessors of Real Estate are highest in Minnesota and Wisconsin generating 15,850 jobs. Florida has the largest number of offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers with 7,283 jobs recorded in the state.

Other subsectors in this industry are Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing, as well as, Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing.


Knowing the standing of the various states in particular industries is truly significant in dealing with your own businesses or even for future ventures. Though the fifty states have diverse economic strengths and potentials, some prove to be more successful and have more promising outlooks than the others. However, each industry and every state certainly is key in making the American economy as vast and attractive not only to local but global entrepreneurs as well.

To read more about the reason behind US leading the field of Entrepreneurship, you can read more in this article, “United States: Leading the World of Entrepreneurship”.




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