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Books Exploring Arduino

RonWang3年前 (2021-11-03)电子编程2167

Exploring Arduino uses the popular Arduino microcontroller platform as an instrument to teach topics in electrical engineering, programming, and human-computer interaction. The book shares best practices in programming and design that you can apply to any project, and code snippets and schematics that will serve as a useful reference for future projects even after you’ve mastered all the topics in the book. The second edition of Exploring Arduino is now available and includes over 100 pages of new content compared with the first edition!

Exploring Arduino:Tool and techniques for engineering wizardry : Jeremy Blum.


Parts Kit

Exploring Arduino: 2nd Edition [Chapters 1-7 Parts Kit]

Exploring Arduino: 2nd Edition [Chapters 8-14 Parts Kit]

Exploring Arduino: 2nd Edition [Chapters 15-17 Parts Kit]

Suggested Tools  

Arduino exporing

Need more convincing? Download a PDF of Chapter 1, the Index, and the Table of Contents for free.

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More Details

  • Includes dozens of projects that utilize different capabilities of the Arduino, while interfacing with external hardware

  • Features chapters that build upon each other, tying in concepts from previous chapters to illustrate new ones

  • Includes aspects that are accompanied by video tutorials and other rich multimedia content

  • Covers electrical engineering and programming concepts, interfacing with the world through analog and digital sensors, communicating with a computer and other devices, internet connectivity, wireless communications, motor control, and much more

  • Explains how to combine smaller topics into more complex projects

  • Shares downloadable materials and source code for everything covered in the book

Exploring Arduino takes you on an adventure and provides you with exclusive access to materials not found anywhere else!




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