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RonWang3年前 (2021-11-22)学习成长878

现在很多国内的公司为了拓展对外业务,开始采用更先进的电子商务软件,如美国的Amazon,加拿大的Shopify,法国的PrestaShop等都有很多用户在使用,对于商业初期的低成本尝试,开源软件PrestaShop是一个不错的选择,本文针对PrestaShop 的安装进行分步说明,希望感兴趣的朋友一起围观。

prestashop logo


Here is a quick list of what you need to get started with the installation of PrestaShop 1.7. Should you not feel comfortable with the lack of details, you will find detailed instructions in the sections following this one.

System requirements:

PHP 7.1 or later.

Useful settings (in the php.ini file): 

allow_url_fopen set to On, 

register_globals set to Off,

upload_max_filesize set to "16M" (or more).

Must-have PHP extensions (in the php.ini file): CURL, DOM, Fileinfo, GD, Intl, Mbstring, Zip, JSON, Iconv.

Useful server tools: cron/crontab, Memcached.

MySQL 5.6 or later.

Better if: 

Unix/Linux hosting.

Apache Web Server 2.2 or later or nginx Web Server.

Apache module settings: 

mod_rewrite enabled, 

mod_security disabled,

mod_auth_basic enabled.

At least 256 Mb of RAM is dedicated to PHP. The more the better.

Access codes to your FTP server, your MySQL database

These should be provided by your web host if you are not doing a local installation.

Any text editor.

Any FTP client.

Any modern Web browser (if using Internet Explorer: at least IE9).

You also need to know which URL on your domain you want your store(s) to be accessible from.

PrestaShop WIKI

PrestaShop is a freemium,open source e-commerce platform. The software is published under the Open Software License (OSL). It is written in the PHP programming language with support for the MySQL database management system. It has a software dependency on the Symfony PHP framework. 

PrestaShop is currently used by 300,000 shops worldwide and is available in 60 different languages.

PrestaShop Mile Stone

  • PrestaShop started in 2005 as a student project within the EPITECH IT School in Paris, France. Originally named phpOpenStore, the software was first available in two languages: English and French. Three months after its launch, the project was translated into thirteen languages.

  • The company, PrestaShop SA, was founded in 2007 by Igor Schlumberger and Bruno Lévêque.

  • Between May 2010 and April 2012, PrestaShop grew from 17 employees to more than a hundred, with the establishment of secondary headquarters in Miami.[3][failed verification] As of April 2016, PrestaShop has over 120 employees and offices in 6 countries.

  • In March 2014, PrestaShop SA secured $9.3M in Series B Funding to continue its global expansion efforts.

  • In January 2015, the company launched PrestaShop Cloud, a free self-hosted version of its software, but at least since 2017 is no longer available.

  • The 1.7.x branch of PrestaShop is the latest branch of PrestaShop, first released as a stable version in November 2016.

  • Initially, maintenance for the 1.6 version was planned to expire in October 2018. For various reasons, Prestashop decided to extend this maintenance period until June 30, 2019.

  • PrestaShop has been built as a monolith following traditional object-oriented PHP practices. Originally based on a custom framework, it is progressively being migrated to Symfony.

  • In February 2018, Alexandre Eruimy took over as CEO of PrestaShop. Since then, the company has been signing large-scale strategic partnerships with companies such as Paypal, Google, Meta, TikTok and many others, in order to make the latest technological solutions available to e-retailers.

  • As of October 2021, 0.31% of sites employing open-source shopping cart software use PrestaShop, according to software tracking website BuiltWith. According to W3Techs, PrestaShop is used by 0.5% of all websites.

  • In October 2019, PrestaShop closed the Miami headquarters and ceased its operations in the Americas.

  • In 2019, PrestaShop received the Acteurs du Libre International Award[14] for its international development strategy.

  • The current and latest version of Prestashop is 

  • In November 2021, PrestaShop joined the MBE Worldwide group to accelerate its growth and become the leading commerce platform for accelerating business growth worldwide. 



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