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Arduino Project 003 - LED Traffic Light

RonWang8个月前 (06-05)电子编程108

You are now going to create a set of traffic lights that will change from green to red, via amber, and back again, after a set length of time using the four-state UK system. This project could be used to make a set of working traffic lights for a model railway or for a child’s toy town. If you’re not from the UK, you can modify the code and colors to make them work like the traffic lights in your own country. First, though, make the project as it is and change it once you know how it works.

项目3 Project 3 -LED Traffic Lights

03 Traffic Light Circuit

03 Traffic Light Schematic

/* Coding Ron Wang
   June 4th 2024
   Autaba support for coding hardware
// Project 3 - LED Traffic Lights

int ledDelay = 10000; // delay in between changes
int redPin = 10;
int yellowPin = 9;
int greenPin = 8;
void setup() {
 pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(yellowPin, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
 digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); // turn the red light on
 delay(ledDelay); // wait 5 seconds
 digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // turn on yellow
 delay(2000); // wait 2 seconds
 digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); // turn green on
 digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // turn red off
 digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // turn yellow off
 delay(ledDelay); // wait ledDelay milliseconds
 digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // turn yellow on
 digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW); // turn green off
 delay(2000); // wait 2 seconds
 digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // turn yellow off
 // now our loop repeats



标签: Arduino


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